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Create player aid for Great Western Trail: 2nd Edition. 

Guide to Great Western Trail 2nd Edition
- Shuffle the 9 station master tiles and place one randomly
onto each of the 5 station master spaces.
- Take the 7 neutral building tiles and place one onto each of
the 7 neutral building spaces on the board. For your first
game, place them in letter order (A-G). You can also place
them randomly once you’re comfortable with the game.
- Place the job market token on the top dashed round space in
the job market.
- Take the 54 worker tiles, the 22 outlaw tiles, and the 18
hazard tiles and sort them back their backs (1 / 2 / 3). Then
place them in their corresponding bags near Kansas City to
form the Kansas City supply.
- From the Kansas City supply, draw 7 tiles from the 1 bag and
place them one after another on the game board. If it is an
outlaw tile (green or orange), place it in the outlaw section on
the lowest, empty numbered space. If it is a hazard tile, place
it in the corresponding hazard section on the lowest, empty
numbered space. If there is no empty space left, return it to
the bag and draw a new tile.
- Start drawing tiles with from the 2 bag. Place these workers
one after the other on the job market as follows: Start in the
top row and place the first on the space based on player count.
Place the next to the right and continue like this. Once the top
row is full, go to the next row (starting at the player count
space) until you place onto the space to the left of the job
token. Depending on player count, there will be 3, 5, or 7
worker tiles placed.
- Now fill the 6 foresight spaces in Kansas City with tiles from
the supply – 2 from the 1 bag under the 1, 2 from the 2 bag
under the 2, and 2 from the 3 bag under the 3.
- Shuffle the 36 market cattle cards and place them as a face-
down market cattle stack beneath the lower left of the board.
Draw 7 / 10 / 13 cards for 2 / 3 / 4 players. Sort them by color
at the bottom of the board.
- The orange Simmental cow variant – add all 8 stage 1
Simmental cows to the 36 market cattle cards and shuffle.
Place the Simmental market tile on the game board on its
space. Instead of the above, draw 9 / 12 / 15 cards for 2 / 3 /
4 players. Sort them by color at the bottom of the board,
with the Simmental cows to the very left. Take the stage 2
and stage 3 Simmental cows and place them near the board.
- Shuffle the 24 objective cards and place them as a face-down
stack to the right of the board. Then reveal 4 cards from the
stack and display them face up as the general objective
- Place the coins and exchange tokens within reach of the
players as the bank.
- Each player chooses a color and gets a player board and a
player count tile (with 2-3p. Turn it to the appropriate side
and use it to cover Phase A on your player board.
- Each player receives 12 private building tiles in their color.
Everyone plays with the same side of buildings – so all As or all
Bs. Once you know the game, you can play with a mix of As
and Bs, but everyone still uses the same buildings – if 1B is
chosen, then EVERYONE uses 1B.
- Each player gets 14 discs (to cover the colored disc spaces on
the player board), 1 engine (placed on the red building near
the track), 1 certificate marker (placed on the 0 space of the
certificate track, and 1 herder in their color.
- Each player gets 14 player cattle cards in their color (shown
on the star) to make their herd deck.
- Shuffle the 4 starting objective cards and deal one at random
to each player, which they place face-up in their personal
objective area. Return any remaining starting objectives to the
- Determine a start player and give them $6, 4 cards, 1
exchange token. Subsequent players get $7, 5 cards, 1
exchange token / $8, 6 cards, 1 exchange token / $9, 7 cards, 1
exchange token for 2nd / 3rd / 4th player.
- Before the first turn of the game, EVERYONE discards down
to 4 cards in their starting hand, placing discards in each
player’s personal discard pile.
- Each player then places their herder onto ANY neutral
Players CAN start at the same building.
Object of the Game
The game is played over a number of rounds. Players will
move their herder along the trail to gain victory points (VP) by
placing private buildings, buying cattle from the market,
upgrading stations, and removing hazards. Each time your
herder reaches Kansas City, you send your cattle off to possibly
gain VP, then return to the beginning of the trail to start again.
ALL VP are awarded at the end of the game.
Your herd deck is reshuffled ONLY when you need to draw
again. At certain locations, you can discard cattle cards for
rewards and when you reach Kansas City, you want as many
different types of cattle to get more VP.
The game is played with each player playing the following 3
phases, before moving to the next clockwise player.
A – Move your herder to another location on the trail
B – Use the action(s) of your reached location
C – Draw up to your hand limit
- A location is ANY tile on a space of the trail. Spaces
WITHOUT a tile are NOT locations.
- Your herder’s movement is measured in steps. Each location
is 1 step.
- Your herder MUST move at LEAST 1 step up to their step limit
(3 or 4, depending on player count), which can be increased
later in the game.
- You MUST ALWAYS move your herder FORWARD along the
trail, following the arrows and may choose either path when it
- The location where your herder ends their movement is the
location you will use in Phase B.
- You are NOT allowed to pass OVER Kansas City. Once you
reach Kansas City, your herder ends its movement there.
- Multiple players’ herders can share a location.
IMPORTANT – Several locations show a green or black hand
(or BOTH). If your herder moves to or passes over such a
location, you MUST pay a fee.
If it’s a hazard/outlaw, the fee is paid to the BANK. If it’s
another player’s private building, the fee is paid to that
The fee depends on player count. In a 2p game, each hand is
$2. In a 3p game, green hands cost $2 and black hands cost
$1. In a 4p game, green hands cost $1 and black hands cost
IMPORTANT – Even if you cannot pay some or all of the
hands along your path, you are STILL ALLOWED to move. You
pay what you can and continue moving. Inability to pay hand
fees DOES NOT stop your movement. This ONLY applies to
hand fees. ANY OTHER costs/requirements in the game
MUST ALWAYS be paid/met in full.
After moving your herder, use the location where you ended
your movement. Your options vary depending on whether it
• A neutral building or YOUR private building
• ANOTHER player’s private building, hazard, or outlaw.
• Kansas City
a. – On a neutral building or YOUR private building, you have
two options – use the local action(s) of the tile OR use ONE
single auxiliary action.
If you choose to use the tiles local actions, you MAY perform
EACH of the tile’s local actions ONCE and MAY perform them
in ANY order.
You do NOT have to perform ALL of the available actions, but if
there is a cost/requirement, you MUST pay/meet it in full to
gain the reward.
Actions separated by a white slash are either/or NOT both.
Spaces separated by full-length straight lines ARE both/all.
Some spaces of the trail have risk actions attached. If a
building tile is placed on such a space, the risk action becomes
part of that building tile’s local actions and can be performed
by its OWNER each time that player reaches that location.
If you do NOT perform ANY of the tile’s local actions, then you
MAY perform ONE single auxiliary action instead. Auxiliary
actions are on the left of your player board. Initially, you only
have two of them available.
b. – On another player’s building tile, hazard, or outlaw tile,
you have ONLY ONE option – performing ONE single auxiliary
c. – When you reach Kansas City, you MUST carry out ALL 5
Kansas City subphases IN ORDER. They are:
1 – Choose one of the two tiles below the 1 and
move it to its corresponding section.
2 – Choose one of the two tiles below the 2 and
move it to its corresponding section.
3 – Choose one of the two tiles below the 3 and
move it to its corresponding section.
4 – Reveal your ENTIRE hand, calculate your income
from the bank, then discard your ENTIRE hand to
your discard pile.
5 – Move one of your player discs from your player
board onto a city crest and pay ANY transport costs.
(1-2-3) Each of the 3 tiles in subphases 1, 2, and 3 must
IMMEDIATELY be moved to its corresponding section to the
lowest available space. If no space is available, take the tile
out of the game and return it to the box.
If it is an outlaw tile (green or orange), place it in the outlaw
section onto the empty space with the lowest number. If no
empty space is left there, take the tile out of the game.
If it is a hazard tile (flood, drought, or rockfall), place it in the
corresponding section onto the empty space with the lowest
number. If no empty space is left there, take the tile out of the
If it is a worker tile, it MUST be placed in the next free space of
the job market – starting with the row with the job market
As soon as you need to place a worker tile on the job market
token space, slide the job market token down to the dashed
round space of the next row.
If the job market token crosses over a yellow arrow, you
IMMEDIATELY fill up the cattle market, bringing the cattle
market back up to 7 / 10 / 13 cards (or 9 / 12 / 15 with
Simmental variant) for 2 / 3 / 4 players.
If you need to refill the cattle market and the total cards there
are already equal to or higher than the amount, do NOT add
any cards.
If the cattle market stack is empty, no more cards are added to
the cattle market.
If the job market token moves over the green arrow at the
bottom, the game end is triggered.
(4 – Income) Reveal your ENTIRE hand and calculate its
breeding value. To do this, add the breeding values of each
DIFFERENT TYPE of cattle in your hand. Each type is ONLY
counted ONCE.
Then, if possible, you MAY increase the total breeding value by
adding certificates (temporary or permanent) to it. Temporary
certificates are those on your certificate track and you add
them by moving your marker back. Permanent certificates are
those on the upper half of any station master tiles in front of
you, permanently increasing your breeding value for the rest
of the game.
Once your breeding value is set, take that many dollars from
the bank, placing it aside to track your breeding value for
subphase 5. Simmental variant – AFTER setting your breeding
value, if you have any stage 1 Simmental cattle cards in your
hand, you may remove them from the game and take the
same number of stage 2 Simmental cattle cards and place
them on your discard pile. If you have any stage 2 Simmental
cattle cards in your hand, you may remove them from the
game and take the same number of stage 3 Simmental cattle
cards and place them on your discard pile. THESE DO NOT
When calculating your breeding value, you can ONLY add
ONE of your Simmental cattle cards REGARDLESS of stage.
If an action requires you to discard a cattle card of a certain
breeding value, but the icon DOES NOT include orange cattle
cards, you CANNOT discard a Simmental cattle card.
Then, discard ALL cards from your hand.
(5 – Delivery) Pick a city whose city value is equal to or less
than your breeding value. You CANNOT pick a city that you
have already delivered to before, EXCEPT for the local city –
Kansas City – and the terminal city – New York.
Once you have chosen a city, place one of your player discs
from your board onto the city space.
A disc taken from a WHITE-cornered space on your board can
be placed onto ANY city space. A disc taken from a DARK-
cornered space can ONLY be placed onto a DARK-cornered city
By clearing a disc space on your board, you unlock an ability.
Some disc spaces give an additional reward or have an added
cost for clearing them.
By placing your disc onto a city space, you may gain or lose VP
at the end of the game and may trigger delivery actions that
you MUST perform IMMEDIATELY. The action in any of the
green arrows is NOT triggered until BOTH city spaces have one
of your discs. This also goes for VP at game end.
on your board and have to place one, you MAY take a DARK-
Finally, check if there are any transport costs based on how
many RED Xs are between the nose of your engine and the city
crest to which you are delivering. Pay $1 for each of them and
this payment MAY come from the money you just received for
After finishing the Delivery subphase, move your herder to the
horseman space at the beginning of the trail and refill the
empty foresight spaces with the appropriate tiles from the
matching numbered bag.
Each player starts with a hand limit of 4 and can increase it up
to 6. If you have fewer cards in hand than your hand limit,
draw cards from your personal draw pile to equal your hand
limit, shuffling your discards as necessary. Once this phase is
complete, it is the next player’s turn.
Hire One Worker
When you perform this action, choose exactly ONE worker tile
from the job market, pay the cost and place that tile in the
worker section of your player board.
You CANNOT hire a worker from the row where the job
market token is CURRENTLY located. Those workers are
UNAVAILABLE until the job market has moved on.
The hiring cost of any of the workers is the cost on the right
side of their row, but it is modified by the value on the action
itself. A + in green means a discount. A – in red means an
added cost.
After paying the cost, place the worker tile in the worker
section of your player board onto the leftmost free space of its
type. Each player starts with one worker of each of the three
types on their board.
If the space on which you placed the hired worker depicts an
immediate action, you MUST choose to either perform the
If the row is already full, you CANNOT hire another worker of
that type. At the end of the game, every worker placed on the
5th or 6th space is worth 4 VP.
Buying from the Cattle Market
When you perform this action, you can acquire new cattle
cards from the cattle market and place them face-up on your
discard pile. However, the number of cards you can buy
depends on how many cowboys you have and how much
money you want to spend.
You don’t SPEND cowboys, you USE them. The amount of
cowboys used will tell you your purchase options at the
bottom of the board. EACH cowboy can ONLY be used ONCE
during this action.
For example: If you use just one cowboy, you can either buy
one 3-value card for $6 OR buy one 4-value card for $12. You
can ONLY buy cattle cards that are available and can ALWAYS
choose to buy fewer cards than allowed.
Any cowboy that you do NOT put to use to buy cattle cards
MAY instead be used to draw 2 cards from the market cattle
stack and be added face-up to the cattle market. You MAY do
this at ANY given moment when performing the action.
Simmental variant – you can also use 1 cowboy to buy one
stage 1 Simmental for $8 or use 2 cowboys to buy one stage 1
Simmental for $5.
Movement on the Railroad Track
With this action, you may move your engine up to as many
spaces FORWARD on the railroad track as you have engineers
in your engineer row.
Whenever you move your engine, you SKIP over spaces with
other engines as NO two engines can occupy the SAME space.
Along the track, there are several turnout spaces with train
stations. Each turnout space COUNTS as an additional space.
You MAY move your engine less spaces than allowed (but
MUST move at LEAST 1), however once you stop, you forfeit
any additional movement.
If you stop on a turnout space, you MUST IMMEDIATELY
decide if you are going to upgrade the station. You can only
upgrade a station if you have not upgraded it before (your disc
isn’t already there).
To upgrade the station, pay the upgrade cost and place one of
your discs on the station space. Again, you must follow the
rules for disc placement as for delivery – WHITE can go on any
one, DARK can only go on DARK.
After you place your disc, you may take a station master tile
there by taking any hired worker from the rightmost space of
your player board and placing it there.
You can ONLY choose to do this at the moment you are
upgrading the station, NOT later.
If you remove a worker from your board uncovering an
immediate action, you CAN perform that action again the next
time you hire a worker onto that space. Once its placed on the
station, it remains there for the rest of the game.
Each station master tile has two parts. The top half is an
immediate action (performed IMMEDIATELY or forfeited) or
permanent certificate. The bottom half is a unique way to
score more VP at game end.
The last space of the railroad track is special. If your engine
reaches the last space, its movement ends there (potentially
upgrading the station as usual). Then you must move your
engine BACKWARDS at LEAST one space and you MAY move it
to ANY free space on the track, INCLUDING a turnout space.
After doing so, immediately gain $3. If you moved to a turnout
space, you MAY IMMEDIATELY upgrade it as usual (even using
the money you JUST received).
If you ever need to move your engine backwards a certain
amount of spaces, you MUST move it the full amount, even
going into a turnout space.
Objective Cards
When you gain an objective card, EITHER choose one from the
face-up display OR take one from the top of the deck, placing
it in your discard pile. If you take one from the display,
IMMEDIATELY fill the vacant space, EVEN if you have
unlocked multiple city spaces giving you two of them!
During your turn, if you happen to have one or more objective
cards in your hand, you can play any of them, either before
Phase A or before or after performing any one action in Phase
When played, place it face-up in your personal objective area,
THEN perform the immediate action in the card’s upper left
corner or forfeit it.
Each objective card depicts a combination of tasks to be
fulfilled at the END OF THE GAME. If all are fulfilled, then you
gain the VP. If they are NOT fulfilled, then you lose the
negative VP printed on it.
IMPORTANT – EACH SINGLE task can ONLY count towards
ONE objective card – NO double-dipping on objective cards.
Station master bonuses are INDEPENDENT from objective
You are NOT required to play your objective cards. If you
want, you can keep some or all of them in your deck without
committing to them during the game, though they will clog
your deck. At the end of the game, you will have the option to
pull these objective cards from your deck to score them or not
and suffer no penalty.
Place one of your private buildings
When you perform this action, choose ONE of the private
buildings above your player board. EITHER place it onto ANY
empty building space on the trail OR use it to replace one of
your private buildings already placed.
You CANNOT flip the tile from the side chosen at setup.
You MUST have enough builders AND be able to pay the
building cost.
In its upper left corner, each building tile shows the minimum
number of builders that you must have to place the building.
For EACH builder needed, you MUST pay $2.
You can use this action to replace one of your buildings, with a
HIGHER valued building. For this, you only need to have the
DIFFERENCE of builders between the two buildings and must
only pay the difference as well. Then replace the old building
with the new one, REMOVING the old one from the game.
This is the ONLY way to place buildings that require more than
6 workers.
If you replace a building with your herder on it, you do NOT
get to immediately use the new building.
Perform single/double auxiliary actions
Whenever you use a single auxiliary action, you ONLY get its
benefit ONCE, even if both spaces are cleared. You MAY use
an auxiliary actions with both spaces cleared as a single.
Whenever you use a double auxiliary action, you can ONLY
choose an auxiliary action that has both spaces cleared,
gaining double the reward. You CAN use this to only do a
single auxiliary action.
If you ever need to move your engine backwards on the train
track, you MUST move the full number of spaces.
Collect bounty for outlaws
When you perform this action, you can remove ONE outlaw
tile of your choice from the outlaw section and place it in front
of you for potential game end VP. Depending on the money
value above the outlaw tile, you will either receive or pay
money to the bank.
If the outlaw section is empty, you CANNOT get a tile. If there
is a herder on a removed tile, it stays there.
Gain an exchange token
When you perform this action, gain ONE exchange token from
the bank.
You can use one OR MORE of them at ANY point, even when it
isn’t your turn. To use an exchange token, place it back in the
bank, then draw 2 cards from your personal draw stack and
IMMEDIATELY discard as many cards as you drew.
Removing a Hazard
When you remove a hazard tile, you can remove ONE hazard
tile of your choice and place it in front of you for game end VP.
If the icon shows a cost, you MUST IMMEDIATELY pay that
cost or you cannot take the tile.
If all three hazard sections are empty, you CANNOT get a tile.
If there is a herder on a removed tile, it stays there.
Move your herder forward
This action lets you move your herder to another location
along the trail. If you do, you MUST move at least 1 step and
CANNOT move it more steps than indicated.
On the location you stop, you MUST then perform all of phase
B again. You DO NOT replenish your hand cards before
performing this phase B again – ONLY at the end of your turn.
The game end is triggered when a player places a worker tile
onto the LAST space of the job market during subphase 2 or 3
in Kansas City. When the job market token crosses over the
green arrow, that player takes the token (worth 2 VP at game
end). This is that player’s LAST turn. Then, EACH OTHER
player has ONE final turn.
Worker tiles CANNOT be chosen to be placed from the
foresight spaces during these last turns by anyone reaching
Kansas City.
After the last player has finished their final turn, the game
Players score as follows:
1 – 1 VP per $5 on hand
2 – VP from private buildings on the board
3 – VP total from city spaces with their disc
4 – VP total from train stations with their disc
5 – VP from hazard tiles collected
6 – VP from cattle cards in deck, hand, and discard pile
7 – VP from objective cards on the table, pulling any still in
their deck that they want to score
8 – VP from individual tasks at the bottoms of any station
master tiles – again, these items can independently be
items used for objective cards as well
9 – 4 VP for each worker placed on the 5th or 6th space of
any row in their worker section
10 – 3 VP for the appropriate space cleared from their
player board
11 – 2 VP for the job market token
Most VP wins the game and there is NO TIE-BREAKER

Create player aid for Great Western Trail: 2nd Edition. Guide to Great Western Trail 2nd Edition SET-UP - Shuffle the 9 station master tiles and place one randomly onto each of the 5 station master spaces. - Take the 7 neutral building tiles and place one onto each of the 7 neutral building spaces on the board. For your first game, place them in letter order (A-G). You can also place them randomly once you’re comfortable with the game. - Place the job market token on the top dashed round space in the job market. - Take the 54 worker tiles, the 22 outlaw tiles, and the 18 hazard tiles and sort them back their backs (1 / 2 / 3). Then place them in their corresponding bags near Kansas City to form the Kansas City supply. - From the Kansas City supply, draw 7 tiles from the 1 bag and place them one after another on the game board. If it is an outlaw tile (green or orange), place it in the outlaw section on the lowest, empty numbered space. If it is a hazard tile, place it in the corresponding hazard section on the lowest, empty numbered space. If there is no empty space left, return it to the bag and draw a new tile. - Start drawing tiles with from the 2 bag. Place these workers one after the other on the job market as follows: Start in the top row and place the first on the space based on player count. Place the next to the right and continue like this. Once the top row is full, go to the next row (starting at the player count space) until you place onto the space to the left of the job token. Depending on player count, there will be 3, 5, or 7 worker tiles placed. - Now fill the 6 foresight spaces in Kansas City with tiles from the supply – 2 from the 1 bag under the 1, 2 from the 2 bag under the 2, and 2 from the 3 bag under the 3. - Shuffle the 36 market cattle cards and place them as a face- down market cattle stack beneath the lower left of the board. Draw 7 / 10 / 13 cards for 2 / 3 / 4 players. Sort them by color at the bottom of the board. - The orange Simmental cow variant – add all 8 stage 1 Simmental cows to the 36 market cattle cards and shuffle. Place the Simmental market tile on the game board on its space. Instead of the above, draw 9 / 12 / 15 cards for 2 / 3 / 4 players. Sort them by color at the bottom of the board, with the Simmental cows to the very left. Take the stage 2 and stage 3 Simmental cows and place them near the board. - Shuffle the 24 objective cards and place them as a face-down stack to the right of the board. Then reveal 4 cards from the stack and display them face up as the general objective display. - Place the coins and exchange tokens within reach of the players as the bank. - Each player chooses a color and gets a player board and a player count tile (with 2-3p. Turn it to the appropriate side and use it to cover Phase A on your player board. - Each player receives 12 private building tiles in their color. Everyone plays with the same side of buildings – so all As or all Bs. Once you know the game, you can play with a mix of As and Bs, but everyone still uses the same buildings – if 1B is chosen, then EVERYONE uses 1B. - Each player gets 14 discs (to cover the colored disc spaces on the player board), 1 engine (placed on the red building near the track), 1 certificate marker (placed on the 0 space of the certificate track, and 1 herder in their color. - Each player gets 14 player cattle cards in their color (shown on the star) to make their herd deck. - Shuffle the 4 starting objective cards and deal one at random to each player, which they place face-up in their personal objective area. Return any remaining starting objectives to the box. - Determine a start player and give them $6, 4 cards, 1 exchange token. Subsequent players get $7, 5 cards, 1 exchange token / $8, 6 cards, 1 exchange token / $9, 7 cards, 1 exchange token for 2nd / 3rd / 4th player. - Before the first turn of the game, EVERYONE discards down to 4 cards in their starting hand, placing discards in each player’s personal discard pile. - Each player then places their herder onto ANY neutral building tile AND CONTINUES TO PHASE B, AS NORMAL. Players CAN start at the same building. Object of the Game The game is played over a number of rounds. Players will move their herder along the trail to gain victory points (VP) by placing private buildings, buying cattle from the market, upgrading stations, and removing hazards. Each time your herder reaches Kansas City, you send your cattle off to possibly gain VP, then return to the beginning of the trail to start again. ALL VP are awarded at the end of the game. Your herd deck is reshuffled ONLY when you need to draw again. At certain locations, you can discard cattle cards for rewards and when you reach Kansas City, you want as many different types of cattle to get more VP. GAMEPLAY The game is played with each player playing the following 3 phases, before moving to the next clockwise player. A – Move your herder to another location on the trail B – Use the action(s) of your reached location C – Draw up to your hand limit PHASE A – MOVE YOUR HERDER TO A LOCATION - A location is ANY tile on a space of the trail. Spaces WITHOUT a tile are NOT locations. - Your herder’s movement is measured in steps. Each location is 1 step. - Your herder MUST move at LEAST 1 step up to their step limit (3 or 4, depending on player count), which can be increased later in the game. - You MUST ALWAYS move your herder FORWARD along the trail, following the arrows and may choose either path when it forks. - The location where your herder ends their movement is the location you will use in Phase B. - You are NOT allowed to pass OVER Kansas City. Once you reach Kansas City, your herder ends its movement there. - Multiple players’ herders can share a location. IMPORTANT – Several locations show a green or black hand (or BOTH). If your herder moves to or passes over such a location, you MUST pay a fee. If it’s a hazard/outlaw, the fee is paid to the BANK. If it’s another player’s private building, the fee is paid to that PLAYER. The fee depends on player count. In a 2p game, each hand is $2. In a 3p game, green hands cost $2 and black hands cost $1. In a 4p game, green hands cost $1 and black hands cost $2. IMPORTANT – Even if you cannot pay some or all of the hands along your path, you are STILL ALLOWED to move. You pay what you can and continue moving. Inability to pay hand fees DOES NOT stop your movement. This ONLY applies to hand fees. ANY OTHER costs/requirements in the game MUST ALWAYS be paid/met in full. PHASE B – USE THE ACTION OF YOUR REACHED LOCATION After moving your herder, use the location where you ended your movement. Your options vary depending on whether it is: • A neutral building or YOUR private building • ANOTHER player’s private building, hazard, or outlaw. • Kansas City a. – On a neutral building or YOUR private building, you have two options – use the local action(s) of the tile OR use ONE single auxiliary action. If you choose to use the tiles local actions, you MAY perform EACH of the tile’s local actions ONCE and MAY perform them in ANY order. You do NOT have to perform ALL of the available actions, but if there is a cost/requirement, you MUST pay/meet it in full to gain the reward. Actions separated by a white slash are either/or NOT both. Spaces separated by full-length straight lines ARE both/all. Some spaces of the trail have risk actions attached. If a building tile is placed on such a space, the risk action becomes part of that building tile’s local actions and can be performed by its OWNER each time that player reaches that location. If you do NOT perform ANY of the tile’s local actions, then you MAY perform ONE single auxiliary action instead. Auxiliary actions are on the left of your player board. Initially, you only have two of them available. b. – On another player’s building tile, hazard, or outlaw tile, you have ONLY ONE option – performing ONE single auxiliary action. c. – When you reach Kansas City, you MUST carry out ALL 5 Kansas City subphases IN ORDER. They are: 1 – Choose one of the two tiles below the 1 and move it to its corresponding section. 2 – Choose one of the two tiles below the 2 and move it to its corresponding section. 3 – Choose one of the two tiles below the 3 and move it to its corresponding section. 4 – Reveal your ENTIRE hand, calculate your income from the bank, then discard your ENTIRE hand to your discard pile. 5 – Move one of your player discs from your player board onto a city crest and pay ANY transport costs. (1-2-3) Each of the 3 tiles in subphases 1, 2, and 3 must IMMEDIATELY be moved to its corresponding section to the lowest available space. If no space is available, take the tile out of the game and return it to the box. If it is an outlaw tile (green or orange), place it in the outlaw section onto the empty space with the lowest number. If no empty space is left there, take the tile out of the game. If it is a hazard tile (flood, drought, or rockfall), place it in the corresponding section onto the empty space with the lowest number. If no empty space is left there, take the tile out of the game. If it is a worker tile, it MUST be placed in the next free space of the job market – starting with the row with the job market token. As soon as you need to place a worker tile on the job market token space, slide the job market token down to the dashed round space of the next row. If the job market token crosses over a yellow arrow, you IMMEDIATELY fill up the cattle market, bringing the cattle market back up to 7 / 10 / 13 cards (or 9 / 12 / 15 with Simmental variant) for 2 / 3 / 4 players. If you need to refill the cattle market and the total cards there are already equal to or higher than the amount, do NOT add any cards. If the cattle market stack is empty, no more cards are added to the cattle market. If the job market token moves over the green arrow at the bottom, the game end is triggered. (4 – Income) Reveal your ENTIRE hand and calculate its breeding value. To do this, add the breeding values of each DIFFERENT TYPE of cattle in your hand. Each type is ONLY counted ONCE. Then, if possible, you MAY increase the total breeding value by adding certificates (temporary or permanent) to it. Temporary certificates are those on your certificate track and you add them by moving your marker back. Permanent certificates are those on the upper half of any station master tiles in front of you, permanently increasing your breeding value for the rest of the game. Once your breeding value is set, take that many dollars from the bank, placing it aside to track your breeding value for subphase 5. Simmental variant – AFTER setting your breeding value, if you have any stage 1 Simmental cattle cards in your hand, you may remove them from the game and take the same number of stage 2 Simmental cattle cards and place them on your discard pile. If you have any stage 2 Simmental cattle cards in your hand, you may remove them from the game and take the same number of stage 3 Simmental cattle cards and place them on your discard pile. THESE DO NOT INCREASE YOUR JUST CALCULATED BREEDING VALUE. When calculating your breeding value, you can ONLY add ONE of your Simmental cattle cards REGARDLESS of stage. If an action requires you to discard a cattle card of a certain breeding value, but the icon DOES NOT include orange cattle cards, you CANNOT discard a Simmental cattle card. Then, discard ALL cards from your hand. (5 – Delivery) Pick a city whose city value is equal to or less than your breeding value. You CANNOT pick a city that you have already delivered to before, EXCEPT for the local city – Kansas City – and the terminal city – New York. Once you have chosen a city, place one of your player discs from your board onto the city space. A disc taken from a WHITE-cornered space on your board can be placed onto ANY city space. A disc taken from a DARK- cornered space can ONLY be placed onto a DARK-cornered city space. By clearing a disc space on your board, you unlock an ability. Some disc spaces give an additional reward or have an added cost for clearing them. By placing your disc onto a city space, you may gain or lose VP at the end of the game and may trigger delivery actions that you MUST perform IMMEDIATELY. The action in any of the green arrows is NOT triggered until BOTH city spaces have one of your discs. This also goes for VP at game end. EXCEPTION – if you have NO MORE WHITE-CORNERED discs on your board and have to place one, you MAY take a DARK- CORNERED ONE! Finally, check if there are any transport costs based on how many RED Xs are between the nose of your engine and the city crest to which you are delivering. Pay $1 for each of them and this payment MAY come from the money you just received for delivering. After finishing the Delivery subphase, move your herder to the horseman space at the beginning of the trail and refill the empty foresight spaces with the appropriate tiles from the matching numbered bag. PHASE C – DRAW UP TO YOUR HAND LIMIT Each player starts with a hand limit of 4 and can increase it up to 6. If you have fewer cards in hand than your hand limit, draw cards from your personal draw pile to equal your hand limit, shuffling your discards as necessary. Once this phase is complete, it is the next player’s turn. Hire One Worker When you perform this action, choose exactly ONE worker tile from the job market, pay the cost and place that tile in the worker section of your player board. You CANNOT hire a worker from the row where the job market token is CURRENTLY located. Those workers are UNAVAILABLE until the job market has moved on. The hiring cost of any of the workers is the cost on the right side of their row, but it is modified by the value on the action itself. A + in green means a discount. A – in red means an added cost. After paying the cost, place the worker tile in the worker section of your player board onto the leftmost free space of its type. Each player starts with one worker of each of the three types on their board. If the space on which you placed the hired worker depicts an immediate action, you MUST choose to either perform the action IMMEDIATELY OR FORFEIT IT. If the row is already full, you CANNOT hire another worker of that type. At the end of the game, every worker placed on the 5th or 6th space is worth 4 VP. Buying from the Cattle Market When you perform this action, you can acquire new cattle cards from the cattle market and place them face-up on your discard pile. However, the number of cards you can buy depends on how many cowboys you have and how much money you want to spend. You don’t SPEND cowboys, you USE them. The amount of cowboys used will tell you your purchase options at the bottom of the board. EACH cowboy can ONLY be used ONCE during this action. For example: If you use just one cowboy, you can either buy one 3-value card for $6 OR buy one 4-value card for $12. You can ONLY buy cattle cards that are available and can ALWAYS choose to buy fewer cards than allowed. Any cowboy that you do NOT put to use to buy cattle cards MAY instead be used to draw 2 cards from the market cattle stack and be added face-up to the cattle market. You MAY do this at ANY given moment when performing the action. Simmental variant – you can also use 1 cowboy to buy one stage 1 Simmental for $8 or use 2 cowboys to buy one stage 1 Simmental for $5. Movement on the Railroad Track With this action, you may move your engine up to as many spaces FORWARD on the railroad track as you have engineers in your engineer row. Whenever you move your engine, you SKIP over spaces with other engines as NO two engines can occupy the SAME space. Along the track, there are several turnout spaces with train stations. Each turnout space COUNTS as an additional space. You MAY move your engine less spaces than allowed (but MUST move at LEAST 1), however once you stop, you forfeit any additional movement. If you stop on a turnout space, you MUST IMMEDIATELY decide if you are going to upgrade the station. You can only upgrade a station if you have not upgraded it before (your disc isn’t already there). To upgrade the station, pay the upgrade cost and place one of your discs on the station space. Again, you must follow the rules for disc placement as for delivery – WHITE can go on any one, DARK can only go on DARK. After you place your disc, you may take a station master tile there by taking any hired worker from the rightmost space of your player board and placing it there. You can ONLY choose to do this at the moment you are upgrading the station, NOT later. If you remove a worker from your board uncovering an immediate action, you CAN perform that action again the next time you hire a worker onto that space. Once its placed on the station, it remains there for the rest of the game. Each station master tile has two parts. The top half is an immediate action (performed IMMEDIATELY or forfeited) or permanent certificate. The bottom half is a unique way to score more VP at game end. The last space of the railroad track is special. If your engine reaches the last space, its movement ends there (potentially upgrading the station as usual). Then you must move your engine BACKWARDS at LEAST one space and you MAY move it to ANY free space on the track, INCLUDING a turnout space. After doing so, immediately gain $3. If you moved to a turnout space, you MAY IMMEDIATELY upgrade it as usual (even using the money you JUST received). If you ever need to move your engine backwards a certain amount of spaces, you MUST move it the full amount, even going into a turnout space. Objective Cards When you gain an objective card, EITHER choose one from the face-up display OR take one from the top of the deck, placing it in your discard pile. If you take one from the display, IMMEDIATELY fill the vacant space, EVEN if you have unlocked multiple city spaces giving you two of them! During your turn, if you happen to have one or more objective cards in your hand, you can play any of them, either before Phase A or before or after performing any one action in Phase B. When played, place it face-up in your personal objective area, THEN perform the immediate action in the card’s upper left corner or forfeit it. Each objective card depicts a combination of tasks to be fulfilled at the END OF THE GAME. If all are fulfilled, then you gain the VP. If they are NOT fulfilled, then you lose the negative VP printed on it. IMPORTANT – EACH SINGLE task can ONLY count towards ONE objective card – NO double-dipping on objective cards. Station master bonuses are INDEPENDENT from objective cards. You are NOT required to play your objective cards. If you want, you can keep some or all of them in your deck without committing to them during the game, though they will clog your deck. At the end of the game, you will have the option to pull these objective cards from your deck to score them or not and suffer no penalty. Place one of your private buildings When you perform this action, choose ONE of the private buildings above your player board. EITHER place it onto ANY empty building space on the trail OR use it to replace one of your private buildings already placed. You CANNOT flip the tile from the side chosen at setup. You MUST have enough builders AND be able to pay the building cost. In its upper left corner, each building tile shows the minimum number of builders that you must have to place the building. For EACH builder needed, you MUST pay $2. You can use this action to replace one of your buildings, with a HIGHER valued building. For this, you only need to have the DIFFERENCE of builders between the two buildings and must only pay the difference as well. Then replace the old building with the new one, REMOVING the old one from the game. This is the ONLY way to place buildings that require more than 6 workers. If you replace a building with your herder on it, you do NOT get to immediately use the new building. Perform single/double auxiliary actions Whenever you use a single auxiliary action, you ONLY get its benefit ONCE, even if both spaces are cleared. You MAY use an auxiliary actions with both spaces cleared as a single. Whenever you use a double auxiliary action, you can ONLY choose an auxiliary action that has both spaces cleared, gaining double the reward. You CAN use this to only do a single auxiliary action. If you ever need to move your engine backwards on the train track, you MUST move the full number of spaces. Collect bounty for outlaws When you perform this action, you can remove ONE outlaw tile of your choice from the outlaw section and place it in front of you for potential game end VP. Depending on the money value above the outlaw tile, you will either receive or pay money to the bank. If the outlaw section is empty, you CANNOT get a tile. If there is a herder on a removed tile, it stays there. Gain an exchange token When you perform this action, gain ONE exchange token from the bank. You can use one OR MORE of them at ANY point, even when it isn’t your turn. To use an exchange token, place it back in the bank, then draw 2 cards from your personal draw stack and IMMEDIATELY discard as many cards as you drew. Removing a Hazard When you remove a hazard tile, you can remove ONE hazard tile of your choice and place it in front of you for game end VP. If the icon shows a cost, you MUST IMMEDIATELY pay that cost or you cannot take the tile. If all three hazard sections are empty, you CANNOT get a tile. If there is a herder on a removed tile, it stays there. Move your herder forward This action lets you move your herder to another location along the trail. If you do, you MUST move at least 1 step and CANNOT move it more steps than indicated. On the location you stop, you MUST then perform all of phase B again. You DO NOT replenish your hand cards before performing this phase B again – ONLY at the end of your turn. GAME END The game end is triggered when a player places a worker tile onto the LAST space of the job market during subphase 2 or 3 in Kansas City. When the job market token crosses over the green arrow, that player takes the token (worth 2 VP at game end). This is that player’s LAST turn. Then, EACH OTHER player has ONE final turn. Worker tiles CANNOT be chosen to be placed from the foresight spaces during these last turns by anyone reaching Kansas City. After the last player has finished their final turn, the game ends. FINAL SCORING Players score as follows: 1 – 1 VP per $5 on hand 2 – VP from private buildings on the board 3 – VP total from city spaces with their disc 4 – VP total from train stations with their disc 5 – VP from hazard tiles collected 6 – VP from cattle cards in deck, hand, and discard pile 7 – VP from objective cards on the table, pulling any still in their deck that they want to score 8 – VP from individual tasks at the bottoms of any station master tiles – again, these items can independently be items used for objective cards as well 9 – 4 VP for each worker placed on the 5th or 6th space of any row in their worker section 10 – 3 VP for the appropriate space cleared from their player board 11 – 2 VP for the job market token Most VP wins the game and there is NO TIE-BREAKER

Boom Boom’s Big Adventure – A Dog Life Simulator   Create an immersive, open-world single-player dog simulation game where players take on the role of Boom Boom, a red-haired Cavapoo exploring a dynamic metropolitan neighborhood. Players can interact with humans, objects, and other dogs, participate in activities, and shape their dog’s reputation—either as the most beloved pup in the city or a mischievous troublemaker. The game features AI-driven interactions, unlockable areas, and a variety of dog-friendly activities for endless adventures.  Dog Customization & Progression  Players start as Boom Boom, a red-haired Cavapoo, but can unlock and customize additional dog characters as they progress.  Default Character: 	•	Name: Boom Boom (cannot be changed) 	•	Breed: Cavapoo (mix of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel & Poodle) 	•	Fur Color: Red 	•	Temperament Options: Playful, Mischievous, Loyal, Adventurous, Lazy 	•	Accessories: Sweaters, bandanas, booties, raincoats, sunglasses, hats 	•	Reputation System: 	•	Good Dog: Loved by locals, gets treats, access to exclusive areas. 	•	Troublemaker: Avoids dog catchers, sneaks into places, steals food.  Unlockable Dog Friends (AI Companions):  Boom Boom can befriend, adopt, or compete with AI-driven dogs, each with unique traits. 	•	Ruta (Golden Retriever) – Friendly and social, loves fetch. 	•	Blixa (schnauzer ) – Tough but lovable, enjoys guarding areas. 	•	Kat (Poodle) – Fast and curious, sneaks into places easily. 	•	Clover (Husky) – Energetic, loves running, but howls loudly. 	•	Rocky (Mutt) – Stray dog that players can rescue and adopt.  Expanded Neighborhoods & Locations  Beyond the core metropolitan setting, players can unlock new areas through exploration and achievements.  Base City Map Includes: 	•	Bustling Streets: Navigate crowded sidewalks, dodge traffic, interact with pedestrians. 	•	Central Park: Dig for treasures, play fetch, meet NPC dogs. 	•	Subway System: Ride trains, sneak aboard, or escape animal control. 	•	Apartment Buildings & Rooftops: Find hidden paths, play with NPC owners.  Expansion Locations: 	•	Luxury Neighborhoods: Fancy gardens, gated mansions, high-end dog spas. 	•	The Docks & Waterfront: Chase seagulls, swim, find seafood scraps. 	•	Underground Sewers: A secret dog-only network for mischief and exploration. 	•	Dog-Friendly Beach: Dig in the sand, surf waves, play frisbee. 	•	Countryside Retreat: Rolling hills, farm animals, open fields to run.  Dynamic AI & Human Interactions 	•	Randomized NPCs: Some love dogs, others fear or ignore them. 	•	Stray Dog Encounters: Help or challenge other wandering dogs. 	•	City Events: Parades, food festivals, and protests change daily experiences. 	•	Animal Control Threat: Mischievous dogs must evade capture or charm their way out.  Mini-Games & Challenges 	•	Food Snatcher: Steal food without getting caught. 	•	Scent Tracking: Find lost items or locate the way home. 	•	Obstacle Course: Compete in agility challenges. 	•	Escape the Bath: Run from a bath-loving human before getting soaked. 	•	Pigeon Chase: Scatter as many pigeons as possible in 30 seconds.  Final Features:  ✅ Single-Player Open-World Exploration ✅ Unlockable Dog Friends & AI Companions ✅ Massive City with Expansion Locations ✅ AI-Driven Humans & Animals for Dynamic Interaction ✅ Reputation-Based Gameplay – Be a Good Dog or a Mischief Maker ✅ Regular Seasonal Updates & Events  Summary:  This game is an open-world, single-player dog simulation adventure, letting players live the life of Boom Boom, a red-haired Cavapoo exploring the city. Whether playing fetch, sneaking food, befriending other dogs, or causing adorable chaos, players shape Boom Boom’s journey through their choices.  Add a voice system for barking, a trick training mechanic, and a dog adoption storyline.

Boom Boom’s Big Adventure – A Dog Life Simulator Create an immersive, open-world single-player dog simulation game where players take on the role of Boom Boom, a red-haired Cavapoo exploring a dynamic metropolitan neighborhood. Players can interact with humans, objects, and other dogs, participate in activities, and shape their dog’s reputation—either as the most beloved pup in the city or a mischievous troublemaker. The game features AI-driven interactions, unlockable areas, and a variety of dog-friendly activities for endless adventures. Dog Customization & Progression Players start as Boom Boom, a red-haired Cavapoo, but can unlock and customize additional dog characters as they progress. Default Character: • Name: Boom Boom (cannot be changed) • Breed: Cavapoo (mix of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel & Poodle) • Fur Color: Red • Temperament Options: Playful, Mischievous, Loyal, Adventurous, Lazy • Accessories: Sweaters, bandanas, booties, raincoats, sunglasses, hats • Reputation System: • Good Dog: Loved by locals, gets treats, access to exclusive areas. • Troublemaker: Avoids dog catchers, sneaks into places, steals food. Unlockable Dog Friends (AI Companions): Boom Boom can befriend, adopt, or compete with AI-driven dogs, each with unique traits. • Ruta (Golden Retriever) – Friendly and social, loves fetch. • Blixa (schnauzer ) – Tough but lovable, enjoys guarding areas. • Kat (Poodle) – Fast and curious, sneaks into places easily. • Clover (Husky) – Energetic, loves running, but howls loudly. • Rocky (Mutt) – Stray dog that players can rescue and adopt. Expanded Neighborhoods & Locations Beyond the core metropolitan setting, players can unlock new areas through exploration and achievements. Base City Map Includes: • Bustling Streets: Navigate crowded sidewalks, dodge traffic, interact with pedestrians. • Central Park: Dig for treasures, play fetch, meet NPC dogs. • Subway System: Ride trains, sneak aboard, or escape animal control. • Apartment Buildings & Rooftops: Find hidden paths, play with NPC owners. Expansion Locations: • Luxury Neighborhoods: Fancy gardens, gated mansions, high-end dog spas. • The Docks & Waterfront: Chase seagulls, swim, find seafood scraps. • Underground Sewers: A secret dog-only network for mischief and exploration. • Dog-Friendly Beach: Dig in the sand, surf waves, play frisbee. • Countryside Retreat: Rolling hills, farm animals, open fields to run. Dynamic AI & Human Interactions • Randomized NPCs: Some love dogs, others fear or ignore them. • Stray Dog Encounters: Help or challenge other wandering dogs. • City Events: Parades, food festivals, and protests change daily experiences. • Animal Control Threat: Mischievous dogs must evade capture or charm their way out. Mini-Games & Challenges • Food Snatcher: Steal food without getting caught. • Scent Tracking: Find lost items or locate the way home. • Obstacle Course: Compete in agility challenges. • Escape the Bath: Run from a bath-loving human before getting soaked. • Pigeon Chase: Scatter as many pigeons as possible in 30 seconds. Final Features: ✅ Single-Player Open-World Exploration ✅ Unlockable Dog Friends & AI Companions ✅ Massive City with Expansion Locations ✅ AI-Driven Humans & Animals for Dynamic Interaction ✅ Reputation-Based Gameplay – Be a Good Dog or a Mischief Maker ✅ Regular Seasonal Updates & Events Summary: This game is an open-world, single-player dog simulation adventure, letting players live the life of Boom Boom, a red-haired Cavapoo exploring the city. Whether playing fetch, sneaking food, befriending other dogs, or causing adorable chaos, players shape Boom Boom’s journey through their choices. Add a voice system for barking, a trick training mechanic, and a dog adoption storyline.

Create an app to play the card game Scout. The aim of the game

To win, you’ll need to play your cards wisely, laying down sets that beat the one on the table.

To set up a 3-5 player game

Pick a starting player and give them the starting token.
Give everyone a scout and show chip.
Place the scout chips in the centre of the table.
In a 3 player game, return all cards with a 10 on them to the box.
For 4 players , remove the card with the 9 and 10 on it.
For 5 players, use every card.
Shuffle the remaining deck and give each player the following:

12 cards for a 3 player game.
11 cards for 4 players.
9 cards for 5 players.
Do not show anyone your hand, or rearrange the order or orientation of your cards.

To play the game

Each card has 2 numbers on. The card counts as the number on the top left half. Before you start, you may choose to flip your hand over entirely to use the numbers on the other half instead.

Then, take it in turns to either ‘show’ a set of cards, by laying them down on the table, or ‘scout’ for a new card.

Show cards

To ‘show’ a set of cards , they must beat the ‘active’ set currently on the table.

A set can be one or more cards, either matching numbers, or a ‘run’ of consecutive numbers in ascending or descending order.
If you show more than one card, they must all be in a row next to each other in your hand - you can’t change their order.
If your set beats the active one, replace it with yours and keep the cards you replaced face down by you.

Sets beat others if they have more cards in.
Sets of matching numbers beat sets of consecutive numbers.
If the type of set and number of cards are the same, the one with the lowest value card loses.
If a set matches one on the table, you cannot place it
If nothing is on the table, place whatever set you like.
Scout cards

Your second option is to scout for a card, by taking it from the active set on the table.

If there’s more than one card in the set, you must take one of the cards on the edge.

Place the card you scout anywhere in your hand, whichever way you like.
The owner of the set you took from gets a scout token.
Scout and show

The final action you can do is scout for a card and then show a set afterwards on the same go.

You can only do this once a round and must spend your scout and show token to do so.

Game end and scoring

Keep playing until either; a single  player runs out of cards OR after someone has placed a set, all other players cannot, or did not beat it. In either case, the round ends immediately and scoring begins.

Gain 1 point for each face down card and scout token you own.
Lose 1 point for Each card left in your hand, unless you’re the player who ended the round because no one beat your set, they lose nothing.
Then start a fresh round, with the player to the left being the new first player.

After playing as many rounds as there are players, whoever has the most points wins!

If it's a tie, share the victory.

All cards are unique and no cards have the sadness number on both sides

Create an app to play the card game Scout. The aim of the game To win, you’ll need to play your cards wisely, laying down sets that beat the one on the table. To set up a 3-5 player game Pick a starting player and give them the starting token. Give everyone a scout and show chip. Place the scout chips in the centre of the table. In a 3 player game, return all cards with a 10 on them to the box. For 4 players , remove the card with the 9 and 10 on it. For 5 players, use every card. Shuffle the remaining deck and give each player the following: 12 cards for a 3 player game. 11 cards for 4 players. 9 cards for 5 players. Do not show anyone your hand, or rearrange the order or orientation of your cards. To play the game Each card has 2 numbers on. The card counts as the number on the top left half. Before you start, you may choose to flip your hand over entirely to use the numbers on the other half instead. Then, take it in turns to either ‘show’ a set of cards, by laying them down on the table, or ‘scout’ for a new card. Show cards To ‘show’ a set of cards , they must beat the ‘active’ set currently on the table. A set can be one or more cards, either matching numbers, or a ‘run’ of consecutive numbers in ascending or descending order. If you show more than one card, they must all be in a row next to each other in your hand - you can’t change their order. If your set beats the active one, replace it with yours and keep the cards you replaced face down by you. Sets beat others if they have more cards in. Sets of matching numbers beat sets of consecutive numbers. If the type of set and number of cards are the same, the one with the lowest value card loses. If a set matches one on the table, you cannot place it If nothing is on the table, place whatever set you like. Scout cards Your second option is to scout for a card, by taking it from the active set on the table. If there’s more than one card in the set, you must take one of the cards on the edge. Place the card you scout anywhere in your hand, whichever way you like. The owner of the set you took from gets a scout token. Scout and show The final action you can do is scout for a card and then show a set afterwards on the same go. You can only do this once a round and must spend your scout and show token to do so. Game end and scoring Keep playing until either; a single player runs out of cards OR after someone has placed a set, all other players cannot, or did not beat it. In either case, the round ends immediately and scoring begins. Gain 1 point for each face down card and scout token you own. Lose 1 point for Each card left in your hand, unless you’re the player who ended the round because no one beat your set, they lose nothing. Then start a fresh round, with the player to the left being the new first player. After playing as many rounds as there are players, whoever has the most points wins! If it's a tie, share the victory. All cards are unique and no cards have the sadness number on both sides

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